Getting Car Insurance as a Young Driver

Here are our top tips which could help reduce the cost of Young Drivers car insurance...
young couple

Car insurance for Young Drivers can be expensive, here are our tips which could help reduce the cost…

Do your research
Research, research, and then research some more. The internet is a resource so use it. The vast majority of insurance companies have quote-checking options on their websites. Look up a list of car insurance providers, check your spec, and compare all your prices. If you’re brave, you can call your insurance company and barter with them. It won’t always work, but there’s no harm in trying!

Avoid high-performance vehicles/sports cars
A sports car might be fun to drive, but they’re notoriously expensive to run and cost a small fortune in car insurance and fuel. There are plenty of quality car insurance deals for high-performance cars but you’re likely going to pay through the nose for a solid plan. If you’re a new or young driver, a Subaru is going to cost you a lot more to insure than the old banger you got when you were seventeen.

Go easy on the car modifications
Unnecessary modifications/alterations might look impressive, but they’ll cost you in the long run.

Install an alarm and immobiliser to reduce the cost of your car insurance
The cost of your car insurance can be driven up by factors you haven’t even thought of. Security is something that slips most people’s minds, experienced drivers included. Investing in a car alarm or high-tech immobiliser may reduce the cost of your car insurance premium. If nothing else, at least you’ll know your car is safe.

Hold onto your no claims bonus
This is an obvious one but hold onto your no claims bonus and clean licence for as long as you can. A safe driving record tells your insurance provider that you’re trustworthy. Over time, your premium will take a dip when your No Claims Discount comes into play.

Third party is cheaper—but is comprehensive car insurance best for you?
Choosing the right car insurance plan can be tricky. There’s a lot to consider and much of it comes down to your budget. Young drivers’ car insurance is known for being expensive, but choosing the right plan could save you a small fortune.

Third party, third party fire and theft, and comprehensive cover all vary in price and all cover different things. Whatever plan you go with, make sure you go through your policy in full with your broker (you can contact us here) so there’ll be no unpleasant surprises waiting for you on the off-chance that you’re involved in an accident.

Tip: always check your policy options in-depth to make sure you’re not paying for something you don’t actually need. Cancel any non-relevant extras.

We want to help you by providing the best value products with great range of benefits – that deliver when it matters the most. For more information, click here or call us on 028 9044 5090.

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