At Cornmarket, we have a dedicated team of motorbike specialists. With over 25 years of experience in insuring motorbikes we are committed to helping you find a great deal on your motorbike cover. We work with a range of reputable insurers to find the policy that’s right for you through Cornmarket.

What’s more, get an online quote for your motorbike before the 31st of May 2025 and you will be automatically entered into a competition to win a Go Pro Hero 13 (no purchase necessary)**.

Got a car for the daily run arounds? Why not let us quote you for car insurance here!

Your Benefits


We reward safer riders

If you have completed an advanced riders course we can offer you additional discounts by recognising the skills and experience you have built up.


European Cover

Your cover can be tailored to match your requirements, including multi-rider policies, multi-bike policies1 and up to 90 days European cover for UK bikers.


Great value GAP insurance for your motorbike

We can also offer you great value GAP insurance cover if your motorbike is worth more than £7,500 to protect you against theft or write off.  To find out more call 028 9032 2607


Unlimited Accessory Cover*

We provide unlimited cover for any non performance after market accessories you might fit to your bike.  Please ask our operators for more details. 



Blood biking and marshalling*

In recognition of the valiant efforts of blood bikers, we provide automatic cover to all of our motorbike policyholders who give freely of their time to safely deliver blood, platelets, samples, X-rays to hospitals up and down the country:

Adelaide motorbike policyholders are not required to add ‘commuting’ or ‘business use’ to be covered as a Blood Biker as we class Blood biking activities as voluntary act and not an occupation.  Members should note that if they need ‘commuting’ or ‘business use’ included on their policy you should select this option and which may result in an alternative premium quote.

Cornmarket, Adelaide motorbike and our insurers do not charge any additional extra premiums when quoting for a Blood Biking volunteer.  Once your cover is in place, one of our insurance specialists will add a reference note on your policy and send you on an e-mail to confirm that your policy premium has not been affected).

1 Multiple riders and multiple bikes cannot be insured on a single policy. *Terms, conditions and acceptance criteria apply. **Click here to se the Go Pro Hero 13 competition terms and conditions